There are no specific educational requirements other than completion of the 32 hour MRT training. Because the group facilitator simply facilitates others to participate, their role is to motivate them, encourage them, and push them to participate. The facilitator’s role is to maintain an environment (the group) where the participants can help themselves. The structure of cognitive-behavioral groups will assist clients to change. Facilitators simply maintain the environment and facilitate the process.
We recommend 8-15 clients per group with an ideal size for juveniles of about 10-12.
Yes, it permissible but it is not recommended with juveniles or trauma groups. If you have mixed groups, it is recommended that you strictly enforce rules and codes of behavior.
There is not specific cut offs but often younger clients (12-15) are grouped together and older clients are in separate groups.
Yes, it is permissible for another trained facilitator to substitute in the absence of the regular facilitator.
Yes, MRT is self-paced so you should always have clients on different Steps. Each client should work on whatever step he or she is on each week. That is the reason that you should start your group with only 3-5 clients and then gradually add clients so they are spread out on different steps.
Generally clients who have moderate to high scores on criminal thinking and ideation are appropriate for MRT using How to Escape Your Prison as the primary workbook. For those at lower risk levels, Discovering Life and Liberty in the Pursuit of Happiness is recommended. Read more about the MRT workbooks here.