Mrt Programs

Veteran Populations

About the Veterans Programs

The two veterans programs are tailored to address the unique situations faced by veteran populations. Their unique experiences can lead to severe trauma, resulting in the onset of PTSD, which can become long-lasting and treatment-resistant.

Effective treatment of veterans with PTSD has become one of the most important and highest-priority goals of the VA.

Two programs are offered for veterans.

Battling Shadows:  Trauma Treatment for Veterans  


“Battling Shadows” is a cognitive behavioral workbook that directly confronts trauma issues typically encountered in veteran populations. This 150-page workbook is designed to be implemented in eight group sessions, facilitated by trained staff. The program utilizes specialized techniques that are intended to be used only with Veteran focused groups.

Winning the Invisible War: MRT  for Veterans 

“Winning the Invisible War” is the MRT workbook used in many VA treatment centers and veteran courts. This workbook addresses the specialized needs of veterans who have been assigned to treatment through the justice system. The program can be used by veterans who enter drug courts, family courts, or other specialized veteran treatment courts.


Because veterans have experiences and issues that are unique, it is recognized that they participate best in treatment programs designed for veterans, with other veterans engaged in the same group process.

All MRT groups are open-ended, meaning that new clients can enter an ongoing group at any time.

Training for MRT Veterans’ Treatment

MRT training is required for the Winning the Invisible War treatment program, and a 2-day Veterans Trauma training is required to facilitate the Battling Shadows program (please note: attending the 2-day Battling Shadows training will also certify you to facilitate the Breaking the Chains of Trauma program). Professionals already treating Veterans for the VA may order Battling Shadows workbooks without additional training. All others must complete the 2-day Veterans’ Trauma Training.

Training for each Veteran program includes the following:

Battling Shadows

Winning the Invisible War

Facts in Focus - Veterans and Substance Abuse Treatment

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